Kindergarten Cowpokes

Kindergarten Cowpokes

Monday, January 30, 2012

!00 Days SMARTER!!!

Wow! It's hard to believe it was the 100th day of school!
We began the day by making masks and hats.

Then, it was time for a Kindergarten Cowpoke tradition...the 100 balloon pop. Each balloon has a number. When the balloon is popped, the student gets the number and puts it in a baggie. When all the balloons have been popped, we create a 100 chart with the numbers.

Then, we made 100 Day Trail Mix and used Cheerios and Fruit Loops to make necklaces. The Cowpokes made a pattern of 10 Cheerios and 10 Fruit Loops until they had 100 pieces of cereal.

Zero the Hero made his final appearance today... :(
Every Cowpoke had his picture made with him. Yee-Haw!! It was an AWESOME day!!